I've been MAD Busy this week so there won't be anything SUPER-DUPER Posted today... BUT!! All hope is not lost.
During the NUTS and CRAZY Week that I've had I've been able to plan my next 3 Blog Postings and Believe me it's about to get 3-Dimensional in here.
My previous 3 blogs haven't really had the Academic depth they should have ...(But I don't want to bore you guys with stuff you'll probably forget)... so I'm bringing a TOTALLY NEW CONCEPT to my blogging...(BUT YOU WON'T BE FINDING OUT WHAT IT IS UNTIL SOMETIME IN NOVEMBER *Evil Laugh*)
Also, this busy week has had some fun moments in it....I've met a 'Big Cheese' from a certain Chartered Institute..and had a discussion with him/her about something very hush hush....BUT YOU'RE NOT GONNA KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT for a week *Ha Ha*
But hey... Let me not drag on too long....Or I'll Be late 4 Lecture
I've got 3 WORDS FOR YOU
Mr Laissez_Faire
29 Oct 2010
21 Oct 2010
Perception Part 2: In My Cognitive System...
"Beauty must appeal to the senses, must provide us with immediate enjoyment, must impress us or insinuate itself into us without any effort on our part" - Claude Debussy
Have you ever wondered HOW or WHY Adverts Appeal to customers?
... Today my blog entry is going to talk about how that BNBN Advert made me spend 2 Weeks pocket money (£40.... That was a lot of money back in those days) or how that EXTREMELY sexy M&S Voice Over seduces you into splurging money on luxury food that you know you didn't really need to buy....P.S (If you don't want to enjoy my witty and fun examples, just skip to the summary)
They do it using simplistic yet crafty methods... Such as...
...Using Colours
Why did those weirdo government people use RED for the STOP Sign? - Because...according to Color-wheel-pro.com red signifies energy, war,strength, power, determination, passion, desire, love, and more importantly DANGER!!!
....Think about it.
If you close your eyes for 2 seconds and Look at the Stop Sign you'll instantly notice that its red and be at Alert... Before you've even noticed the word
(did it grab your attention this time?).
Colours have an amazing effect on People (Grease Monkeys)... Lets take Everton's Away Kit for this season as an example
...ITS PINK!!! Why the hell Did EVERTON (Blue Boys) choose PINK?!?!?!
Because the last time Everton wore PINK KIT they were crowned champions (However Many Decades Ago That Was...). The point I'm trying to make is that the Pink Kit reminds Everton FC of its Glory days (all 4000 years ago)... The scientific name for an object that reminds someone of something else is:SCHEMA
Have you ever wondered HOW or WHY Adverts Appeal to customers?
... Today my blog entry is going to talk about how that BNBN Advert made me spend 2 Weeks pocket money (£40.... That was a lot of money back in those days) or how that EXTREMELY sexy M&S Voice Over seduces you into splurging money on luxury food that you know you didn't really need to buy....P.S (If you don't want to enjoy my witty and fun examples, just skip to the summary)
They do it using simplistic yet crafty methods... Such as...
...Using Colours
Why did those weirdo government people use RED for the STOP Sign? - Because...according to Color-wheel-pro.com red signifies energy, war,strength, power, determination, passion, desire, love, and more importantly DANGER!!!
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....Think about it.
If you close your eyes for 2 seconds and Look at the Stop Sign you'll instantly notice that its red and be at Alert... Before you've even noticed the word
(did it grab your attention this time?).
Colours have an amazing effect on People (Grease Monkeys)... Lets take Everton's Away Kit for this season as an example
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IT MAY BE PINK.. But He Still Looks Like A LEMON! |
Because the last time Everton wore PINK KIT they were crowned champions (However Many Decades Ago That Was...). The point I'm trying to make is that the Pink Kit reminds Everton FC of its Glory days (all 4000 years ago)... The scientific name for an object that reminds someone of something else is:SCHEMA
http://psychology.about.com defines SCHEMA as "a cognitive framework or concept that helps organize and interpret information" ... in #SeanSpeak a Schema is a series of thought processes that help us humans (grease monkeys) understand things that we see in our surroundings.
Making Food Sound Sexy
(Appealing to Emotional Memory)
She's Talking Chocolate, You're Thinking Sex
Although she doesnt exactly look like a Sex Goddess...
...Dervla Kirwan's Voice Overs for the M&S have made her a SMASH HIT with Men and ladies alike (And have helped M&S make a Kabundle).
We all know that Sex sells and M&S have used the Dervla's Sexy and sultry voice to sell food...
Watch The M&S Advert And See If You Agree.
Catchy Jingles
Watch the following Videos and try and figure out what they have in common...
Calgon Advert (German)
BN Advert
The Weakest Link (Bush Vs Blair)
... ALL THESE 'BRANDS' HAVE CATCHY LITTLE JINGLES THAT DISTINGUISH THEM FROM ANYONE ELSE... In the world of marketing the ability to make yourself stand out is key to looking good and more importantly.... MAKING MONEY (£££...$$$)
To Summarise...
Marketers use our 5 SENSES (Whether Consciously or Subconsciously) to make us buy their crappy products and cheat us out of our hard earned Monies
....But its OKAY...As long as you buy what I tell you to, You'll be fine =]
Sean's Tune Of The Moment - Tinchy Stryder - In My System ... See If You Can See How This Links To How Marketers Grab Your 5 Senses.
...Mr Laissez_Faire Says Arrivederci
Making Food Sound Sexy
(Appealing to Emotional Memory)
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Dervla Kirwan a.k.a Sexy Lady from M&S Advert |
Although she doesnt exactly look like a Sex Goddess...
...Dervla Kirwan's Voice Overs for the M&S have made her a SMASH HIT with Men and ladies alike (And have helped M&S make a Kabundle).
We all know that Sex sells and M&S have used the Dervla's Sexy and sultry voice to sell food...
Watch The M&S Advert And See If You Agree.
Catchy Jingles
Watch the following Videos and try and figure out what they have in common...
Calgon Advert (German)
BN Advert
The Weakest Link (Bush Vs Blair)
... ALL THESE 'BRANDS' HAVE CATCHY LITTLE JINGLES THAT DISTINGUISH THEM FROM ANYONE ELSE... In the world of marketing the ability to make yourself stand out is key to looking good and more importantly.... MAKING MONEY (£££...$$$)
To Summarise...
Marketers use our 5 SENSES (Whether Consciously or Subconsciously) to make us buy their crappy products and cheat us out of our hard earned Monies
....But its OKAY...As long as you buy what I tell you to, You'll be fine =]
Sean's Tune Of The Moment - Tinchy Stryder - In My System ... See If You Can See How This Links To How Marketers Grab Your 5 Senses.
...Mr Laissez_Faire Says Arrivederci
9 Oct 2010
Perception (HD): Seeing, Processing, Believing
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - Plato
What comes to mind when you hear the word perception?... The first thing that comes to my mind is Nice Looking Girls and Flash Cars...
....OK jokes aside. Its time for me to unleash the Nerdy & Scientific side to PERCEPTION (brace yourselves).
Mary Brignall defines Perception as 'The process by which we attach meaning to the world around us'.. and she's right.
The process that we call PERCEPTION happens in 3 Stages:
Selection ----> Organisation ----> Interpretation
1 - Selection
1 of our 5 senses (6 if you're a 'special' type of human) selects something in our surrounding environment (For the sake of being scientific we'll call it a stimulus) I'll use Lady Gaga as an example..(She can be used as an example for so many things, but I'll be polite and keep shut)...
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Step 1 - Look At The Picture ...By just looking at the picture you've already sent multiple signals to your brain... BUT! 1 of the things you see in this picture will stand out... Its called the ATTENDED Stimulus. 2 - Organisation The ATTENDED Stimulus is formed as an image on the retina (Somewhere in the Eye :S) and then its TRANSDUCED (big word that means transformed from 1 energy source to another) into electrical signals and sent to the brain....(HERE COMES EVEN MORE SCIENCE)...The signals then undergo NEURAL PROCESSING and dependent on the type of signal... (2 examples of a type of signal are Auditory (To do with sound) or Visual (Duh!) ) ...they end up somewhere in the brain and then comes step 3. 3 - INTERPRETATION This is where we actually recognise the stimulus. Once recognised we react in 1 way or another to the stimulus... Each person's reaction to a stimulus is totally unique, which in turn means that no 2 people will ever think the exact same thing on any 1 subject in particular. ... (P.S Did I Mention That all 3 Steps take place in well under a second!?!?!?) I'm Such A Nerd...(I Know This) ... Now to apply the concept of perception to the Lady Gaga Image. From the picture on the left I ...And my reaction to this stimulus? ..... Where on earth does Lady Gaga gets her (so called) 'Fashion' ideas from?!?!?!? .... What does all this perception malarkey have to do with Marketing??.... Well. To keep it short, sweet and a little spicy... The way Customers (Grease Monkeys) select what they buy is due to the phenomenon that we call Perception. Think about the last pair of shoes/trainers you bought... They STOOD OUT in some way... whether it was coz you saw someone wearing them or because of personal preference. You perceived them to be good enough for you and you bought them! (Simplez!) And there you have it...That's Mr Laissez-Faire's High Definition Definition of Perception. Before I Go I Leave You With 2 Links (All To Do With Perception *Nerd Face*) 2 - Laissez-Faire's Tune Of The Moment: Crazy Cousinz feat. Kimona - I See You Muchas Gracias Dudes! Mr Laissez-Faire - Many thanks to Kendra Cherry and Mary Brignall for allowing me to reproduce their work - Check out Kendra Cherry's Guide To Perception |
6 Oct 2010
Second First Impressions
"For all those colours which you wish to be beautiful, always start with a fresh white ground" - Leonardo da Vinci
And FINALLY (Hallelujah)... This module called 'Understanding The Customer'
I reckon its gonna be a piece of cake for me to understand the customer (a.k.a 'Grease Monkey') because I'm ALWAYS SPENDING MONEY anyway (¬_¬) ... I'm looking forward to being able to understand how marketers con normal people (Grease Monkeys) into spending £100 more than they planned to when they initially walked into the shop. I can't wait to start using the Magic of Marketing to scam average joes in to buying phones that only differ from their predecessors in shape and colour *Evil Laugh* (No Offence iPhone Users)
1 LAST, FINAL Thing (iPromise).. My Tune Of The Moment: Maroon 5 - Misery
Thats me done for this blog Peoples!
Have Fun && Spend money!!!

So here goes nothing!
Hi.... I'm Sean. 19 years old, Studying PR & Marketing Communications at Bucks New Uni... Long Story, Short... I've been forced to do a blog *Sighs*.
Anyways...for today's entry I've got to talk about my (SECOND) FIRST IMPRESSIONS on my new course, university life and more importantly a module that I'm studying called 'Understanding The Customer', and its all going good so far in comparison to last year where Ic*cked up on a totally different course in a totally different uni (It was a crap course and a crap uni anyway).
Right!! Lets get it started!
First things first. My New Course: I'm liking it so far, met some cool people and the course content looks pretty interesting in comparison to the doldrums of Electrical Engineering. *Shudders & Cringes*
Now.... University Life: 4 Words:
Been There, DONE THAT! (the reason why I called this blog 'Second First Impressions')
I personally think the whole 'Uni life' concept is overrated... 'cause from a years experience I've learnt that you don't really do much except from Study (Boooo!) and Get Drunk! (Ooooh Yeaahhh!) (and if you're looking to pass you'll be doing less of the latter)
!! I Forgot to mention EATING! - Really important... If you can't cook...LEARN.
Hi.... I'm Sean. 19 years old, Studying PR & Marketing Communications at Bucks New Uni... Long Story, Short... I've been forced to do a blog *Sighs*.
Anyways...for today's entry I've got to talk about my (SECOND) FIRST IMPRESSIONS on my new course, university life and more importantly a module that I'm studying called 'Understanding The Customer', and its all going good so far in comparison to last year where I
Right!! Lets get it started!
First things first. My New Course: I'm liking it so far, met some cool people and the course content looks pretty interesting in comparison to the doldrums of Electrical Engineering. *Shudders & Cringes*
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Down With Engineering! |
Now.... University Life: 4 Words:
Been There, DONE THAT! (the reason why I called this blog 'Second First Impressions')
I personally think the whole 'Uni life' concept is overrated... 'cause from a years experience I've learnt that you don't really do much except from Study (Boooo!) and Get Drunk! (Ooooh Yeaahhh!) (and if you're looking to pass you'll be doing less of the latter)
!! I Forgot to mention EATING! - Really important... If you can't cook...LEARN.
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This is YOUR Life |
Having a Take-Away Meal Schedule is NOT THE WAY FORWARD! Unless you're stinking rich and plan to die immediately after getting your degree. (At least you won't have to pay that loan back... Take that Student Loan)
But on a Brighter Note :)..... Uni Life is probably the best (insert Carlsberg Logo Here) time to discover and define yourself, and when you're done you're usually worth £10,000 more than when you started (That's a nice little bonus ain't it?).
And FINALLY (Hallelujah)... This module called 'Understanding The Customer'
I reckon its gonna be a piece of cake for me to understand the customer (a.k.a 'Grease Monkey') because I'm ALWAYS SPENDING MONEY anyway (¬_¬) ... I'm looking forward to being able to understand how marketers con normal people (Grease Monkeys) into spending £100 more than they planned to when they initially walked into the shop. I can't wait to start using the Magic of Marketing to scam average joes in to buying phones that only differ from their predecessors in shape and colour *Evil Laugh* (No Offence iPhone Users)
1 LAST, FINAL Thing (iPromise).. My Tune Of The Moment: Maroon 5 - Misery
Thats me done for this blog Peoples!
Have Fun && Spend money!!!

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