Hello peoples!! The year's almost done and you know what that means dontcha? NO MORE BLOGS. (Woohoo) But before I bid thee adieu I have 3 final postings to put up, the first is all about culture and how it affects the world of Marketing
What is Culture??
The patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or population (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/culture)Different Colours & Different Cultures
One thing a Marketer MUST know is that different colours mean different things in different cultures.
An example of this is the colour PURPLE
In the western world Purple is a symbol of Royalty but in Thailand, Purple symbolises DEATH & MOURNING
So here's a MAUVE warning to all those looking to earn their corn out in thailand... NO PURPLE or as the French do...OFF WIZ ZE HEAD!
For more information on different colours & their meanings check out http://webdesign.about.com/od/color/a/bl_colorculture.htm
Modern Day Western Culture & Where The Money's At (Sean's Perspective)
Over the last Decade or so the western world has embraced a totally new way of living, thinking and doing things and this is all down to the boom in a very dear friend of ours called Technology.
Technology has slashed its way into western culture and the way its going, Technology won't be leaving us alone any time soon.
UK Culture is starting to rely very heavily on new advances in technology and its either you keep up or get kicked out. Just the other day my 72 year old neighbour was talking to me about how he couldn't use his iPod and how back in his day all they had was wind up radios and 4 channels on telly and none of this "HD gizmo stuff".
Now, I bet you're asking yourself what this has to do with culture. 1 Word. Transition.
Western Culture used to be about more about being social, loving thy neighbour, doing the 9 to 5 and there used to be a lot more of a feel for the great outdoors but now-a-days its all about the Media and keeping up to date with the latest whatchamacallits.
So... what does this mean for us Marketers & Advertisers? Well, simply put it means we have to know what to market and how to market it to a country that's facing a culture transition.
The way I see it the future of marketing lies heavily in investing in Technology (that bad word again) the latest generation has become heavily dependent on Hand held gismos and social networking and us marketers have got to find a way to make money from it... because where's there's young impressionable minds there's normally ££££ to back it up!
Thanks for Reading
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