23 Feb 2011

Confessions of a 1st Year PR & Marketing Student

I Hate GROUP Work!!!
Its driving me "^£&!!! mad!
For the last 7 weeks we've had to do this charity assignment as part of our coursework... and I've hated it so very much!! - The worst thing is.. Its affecting my individual work in an insane way... Late submissions and all sorts. (But hey....I'm sure its all for the greater good... I hope)

So far we've done 1 event "Bucks Jam Sessions" which was my idea and then implemented by Piers & I ... It targeted Uni students and was actually a success BUT I'm sick and tired of Group work... I personally don't think its fair that my demise may come about because of somebody else's ill discipline!

Rant Over.
I lied.

Its been annoying having to miss so many Workshops because Piers & I have had to run around organising 1 event.... I'm just happy that in the end we made enough money to pass the £££ part of this piece of coursework.

*Sighs* There's so much more I'd like to say but instead I'll talk about how we've been sponsored

Nobeso donated some money (I'm honestly not sure how much) to the cause I think its less than £100 to help raise money
Krispy Kremes gave us 55% off their donuts once we informed them about our fundraising
UNICEF we're allegedly meant to give us T-Shirts and Banners and all that... but seeing as I didn't bother to oversee that it all went Pete Tong.

.... It's reading week this week yet I find myself home alone in my Uni home (not my family home like everyone else) playing catch up on my blogs all because of all the time and money I've had to spend in order to ensure that 1 event went well... Now to complete the other events just put icing on a cake that was initially mouldy.

I reckon my Mohican will consist of grey hair by the time my birthday comes round.

A disillusioned LZF Away // Juxtaposed Rant Over!

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