23 Feb 2011

Men Are From Somewhere, Women Are From Somewhere Else

Gender Differences In Buyer Behaviour
Where do I begin?? ...*Scratches Head*... Solomon!
Chapter 5 [Page 154] of the great book of Solomon (I don't mean the bible!!) talks about Gender goals and Expectations.
According to the Solomon males are controlled by Agentic Goals and Women are controlled by Communal Goals

What are Agentic Goals?

Agentic is: "A Social cognition theory perspective in which people are producers as well as products of social systems" ... Now we convert that into #SeanSpeak: Agentic goals can be defined as goals that have the result of setting self-authority and being the master *Beats chest a-la-Captain Caveman*

What are Communal Goals?
In #SeanSpeak Communal Goals are those that give importance to being in a community (sounds kind of simple don't it) ... If you look at the way Men and Women are in general you will notice that Women are more concerned with how everyone is, how they're doing... Simply put women care more about the bonds between people and in contrast what drives men is ensuring that they "Bring the bread home" (They're more interested in being the Producers)

The way I see it (according to the different goal types) Women (based on the assumption that Women are driven by Communal goals) are more likely to be good at managing due to their ability to bring people together and Men are more likely to take administrative roles as the agentic goal set indicates that men prefer to be the dominant/overseeing figure.

...Okay now we have the key boring Science out the way lets get down to the fun stuff!!
[Warning: Content from here on may contain elements of Sexism, as well as Satire, Spin and Bias...and Stereotype]

How Adverts Target Different Genders

Look at the 3 adverts above... They all obviously target men.... But HOW do WE Know this??
Looking at the Male adverts they all have very similar properties

1 - They all have basic colour schemes (1/2 Colours)
2 - They all have a minimal amount of text
3 - The Images are all simplistic

I'm not saying men are stupid (well, I kinda am) but the main thing with adverts targeted at males is that Men dislike having to process things... their forté is certainly not paying attention to detail.
Take Homer Simpson in this Video Clip for example... Look at how long it takes him to realise that his surroundings are on fire

The advert below is for a L'Oréal Deodorant for men

Knowing that they were targeting the male audience meant that the people at L'oréal kept everything simple... They kept the message clear and made the message obvious so the inferior male mind would be able to pick up on it "Keep Cool Up There, Keep Cool There too" - Even the slogan/strapline is kept relatively primitive.

Now if we compare this to  L'Oréal's Paris Glam Shine Reflexion Lip Gloss Advert (Below) we instantly see how complexly emotive adverts targeted at females have to be *yawns*

Listen to all the buzz words Cheryl uses in order make women believe that this Lip Gloss is the best thing in the world (Personally, I just switch off after 3 seconds.. but I'm a guy so its understandable) they even had a sexy masculine voice over to keep you ladies interested.

These two Images show the direct contrast between the advertising used to grab the attention of the 2 sexes
1 - There's more than 2 colours in the background
2 - They have stronger emotional appeals... look at the Yves Rocher advert, Just by looking at her face you can see the extreme amount of pleasure she's getting from being in that Hotel room and smelling that wonderful perfume (I hope its solely due to the scent of the perfume)

The gender differences in buyer behaviour are down to (...yes you've guessed it) differences in the Neurological make up of the male & female brains...
In #SeanSpeak -  Male brains have 6.5 times more grey matter than female brains and the female brain has 10 times more white matter than that of the male brain. (but what does this mean for Marketers???!?!?!?)
Basically, the Male brains' excessive amount of grey matter shows that he is designed to be more active which accounts for the need to Get up and go and for marketers this means that adverts have to appeal to the "Do It Now, Wham, Bam and Thank You Ma'am" part of a man whereas because a woman's neurological setup is a bit more complex adverts that target women have to be a lot more detailed and sensual... otherwise they'll be perceived as "lazy" adverts

LZF has left the building!!

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