29 Oct 2010

A Lazy Faire Week.

I've been MAD Busy this week so there won't be anything SUPER-DUPER Posted today... BUT!! All hope is not lost.

During the NUTS and CRAZY Week that I've had I've been able to plan my next 3 Blog Postings and Believe me it's about to get 3-Dimensional in here.

My previous 3 blogs haven't really had the Academic depth they should have ...(But I don't want to bore you guys with stuff you'll probably forget)... so I'm bringing a TOTALLY NEW CONCEPT to my blogging...(BUT YOU WON'T BE FINDING OUT WHAT IT IS UNTIL SOMETIME IN NOVEMBER *Evil Laugh*)

Also, this busy week has had some fun moments in it....I've met a 'Big Cheese' from a certain Chartered Institute..and had a discussion with him/her about something very hush hush....BUT YOU'RE NOT GONNA KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT for a week *Ha Ha*

But hey... Let me not drag on too long....Or I'll Be late 4 Lecture

I've got 3 WORDS FOR YOU


Mr Laissez_Faire

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